

2018-12-17 07:09 来源:易信使 收藏 举报

学习是一个痛苦的过程, 需要坚持再坚持。 美丽的蝴蝶需要4个过程才能蜕变、羽翼丰满扑向花丛,从卵、毛毛虫、化蛹、羽化的每一个环节都必须经历。 英文的学习过程也如同蝴蝶的蜕变过程,每个过程都必须经历,不多不少,在痛苦中演变,羽翼丰满飞向自己的梦想世界。记得之前是学生的时候,广外的老师曾告诉我们, 学语言没有技巧,就是“死去活来,先死后活”。这句话的意思就是,学语言就是要背单词、背短语、背句子、背文章,当你积累足够量的单词、短语、句子、文章,才能从量的积累升华到质的飞越,遇到任何语言场景都会沟通自如,游刃有余。

老师在期间起到的作用就是教育方法和技巧的教授过程, 同时更多的是激励和启发作用。学生不能完全依靠老师去帮你背记,老师更多的是督促和适当的引导。

On Language learning methodologies

To learn English is a painful process that needs to be persisted continuously. A beautiful butterfly must experience four steps that egg, caterpillar, pupae, and ejaculation before being turned into a perfect one. A must is in the process of the four steps before the butterfly with full-fledged wings flitters among the flower clusters. Hence English learning is like the process of butterfly transformation, it must go through the whole journey. After the process of the painful evolution, you can fly with full wings into your dream kingdom. When I was a student, the professor at GDUFS told us that there is no any shortcut to learn language but by rote namely,"firstly learn by rote, and then use it flexibly". Language learning is to recite words, phrases, sentences and articles. When you pile up sufficient vocabularies, phrases, sentences and articles, there will be a turn from quantitative accumulation into qualitative overflight. Whenever on any occasion, you can free from communicative barrier in English.

A teacher only can teach you the methodologies in the course of learning, while giving you more encouragement and enlightenment.Students can not entirely rely on your teacher’s help to do your learning jobs but get more suitable supervision and guidance.
