

2018-05-03 07:21 来源:易信使 收藏 举报

Cleaning the oven is the most hated chore in UK households, a new study has revealed.


Ironing is the second most disliked task (23%), followed closely by changing the bedsheets (20%).


In contrast, our favourite domestic chores - which we actually enjoy doing - are cooking, gardening and vacuuming.


The research by Braun CareStyle ironing systems has revealed the chores which are most unpopular with busy Brits who are battling to keep the house in order.


A third (30%) admit they most hate scrubbing the oven - which is an unpopular task across all generations.


Ironing shows the biggest generational divide, with only 18% of young people aged 16 to 34 stating they hate it versus 27% of 35 to 54 year olds.


Younger men and women can’t bear small chores such as emptying the bin (15%), washing dishes (14%), sorting the recycling (7%) and even pairing socks (8%).


In contrast, the older generation detest bigger jobs the most, including ironing (27%), cleaning windows (19%) and defrosting the freezer (17%).


Brits ‘favourite’ household chores are cooking, gardening and vacuuming, which the majority of those surveyed said they enjoyed doing the most.


The research also revealed that when it comes to ironing, a fifth (19%) of men admit they have never actually done it.


Men are twice as likely as women to pay someone else to iron for them - and seven percent have scorned or stained clothes while attempting to tackle the task.


One in ten women (11%) claim they actually find ironing calming and methodical, and 12% say they get a real sense of satisfaction once the chore is complete.


Many Brits (13%) actually avoid ironing altogether because they find it too difficult.


James de Boer, UK Marketing Manager at Braun, said: “We understand that household chores can take away quality time that could be spent with loved ones.

博朗英国的市场总监詹姆士 德波尔说:“我们理解家务活会占用你的珍贵时光,你本可以和你爱的人一起度过这些时间。”

“Although we can’t help with oven cleaning, we can help reduce the time spent on the nation’s second most hated chore - ironing.


“In fact, our new ironing systems are designed to cut ironing time in half and make the task easier thanks to its 3D BlackGlide soleplate, which allows the iron to glide, even backwards, over zips, seams and buttons, so people can spend more time doing the things they enjoy.”


The UK’s top ten most hated chores


1.Oven cleaning (30%)

1. 清理烤箱(30%)

2.Ironing (23%)

2. 熨衣服(23%)

3.Changing bedsheets (20%)

3. 换床单(20%)

4.Cleaning the bathroom (18%)

4. 清扫浴室(18%)

5.Cleaning windows (17%)

5. 擦窗户(17%)

6.Defrosting the freezer (16%)

6. 冰柜除霜(16%)

7.Cleaning out the fridge (15%)

7. 清理冰箱(15%)

8.Decluttering (12%)

8. 整理房间(12%)

9.Vacuuming (12%)

9. 吸尘打扫(12%)

10.Cleaning the shower (10%)

10. 打扫淋浴间(10%)
