打开一些网页的时候,各种形式的广告会立即弹出来,让我们不知道下一步该点哪里。近两年,不同类别的广告拦截软件开始帮助普通用户清理网页弹出广告,ad blocker一词也成为这两年的热搜词。
Ad blocker is a piece of software designed to prevent advertisements from appearing on a web page, i.e. software that blocks ads from web page.
Ad blocker指阻止网页上出现广告的一种软件,也就是拦截网页广告的软件,即“广告拦截器”。
Recent studies have shown increasing use of ad blockers by Internet users, prompting a flood of concern in the media about the viability of free digital content funded by advertising.