

2014-11-08 07:25 来源:易信使 收藏 举报


The window is broken; the door can’t close.
Kind hearts are the gardens; kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the flowers; kind deeds are the fruits.
Those who can lose shall gain; those who wish for gain shall lose.
People make history; unusual people make history interesting.     
Don’t ask what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

2.分号用于分隔已有逗号的并列成分或相似内容, 以避免歧义等。例如:
With clothes, the new are best; with friends, the old are best.
The lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb, of meekness.
Matter may be invisible; air, for example, is this kind of the matter.
After tasting all the dishes, the judges sighed heavily; it was so difficult to choose the best from all of them.
Unfortunately, Tom couldn’t come; and his absence made things difficult for us.

   She prepared her English lessons; also she wrote a composition.
  I live too far away to visit you often; besides, you are never home.
  The composition is all right; however, there isroom forimprovement.
  He knows a lot about England; indeed, he has been in the most countries in Europe.
  He put out the fire quickly; thus, a great disaster was avoided.

4.分号可用于in addition、in fact、for example、on the contrary、on the other hand、so then、that is等短语之前,以连接或补充说明其后的短语或句子。例如:
   HIV weakens a person’s immune system; that is, the part of the body that fights disease.
  You need money and time; in addition, you need diligence.    
   His sister is a busy girl; in fact, she works harder than he does.
  Decide what kind of band you will be; for example, will you be a rock band or group of singers?
  It doesn’t seem ugly to me;on the contrary, I think it’s rather beautiful.
  You have been to Egypt; so then, you must have seen the pyramids.

5. 句中若有并列连词and、but、only、or、still等,其前可应用分号或逗号隔开并列分句。例如:
   He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.
  Sam didn’t get the job; but he’s not worried because it didn’t pay well anyway.
  Travel wherever you want to; only return at the end of the month.
   She failed; still she didn’t lose heart.
   English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.

6.   分号用于分隔或分行列举下文各并列成分,如不定式短语或从句等。例如:
      In English, there are several ways of forming words: compounding (gold + fish =
goldfish); derivation (un- + help + -ful = unhelpful); and conversion.
   Follow this procedure: first, get your application forms; next, fill them out; last, pay the charge.
  Tell the magazine readers:
  —what exactly your hobby is;
  —when and how you became interested in this hobby;
  —why you enjoy your hobby;
  —about your hopes and plans for the future.
  The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it give you your sense of touch.

7. 分号用于分隔辞书中同一义项的不同释义或试题中的并列选项等。例如:
    strengthen ['streŋθn]verbto become stronger; to make sb./sth. stronger 加强;增强;巩固

1.高凌《英汉双解大词典(最新版)》,外文出版社, 2008年
2. Hornby, A. S. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第七版)》,商务印书馆,牛津大学出版社, 2009年